A Dentist in San Francisco Reveals 4 Everyday Oral Hygiene Tips

Oral hygiene is just as important as overall body hygiene is, and sometimes people aren’t aware that it is just as necessary to maintain — but with the help of a dentist in San Francisco, a person should be able to maintain good oral hygiene.

In this article, we will go over a few tips for everyday oral hygiene from a dentist in San Francisco. These tips can help someone who isn’t sure whether or not their oral hygiene routines are helping them or hurting them. Read more below!

Everyday oral hygiene tips

Mouthwash is helpful

Some people are under the impression that mouthwash is only necessary for a person who has bad breath, but that isn’t the case. While mouthwash does help with bad breath, it can also improve how healthy one’s mouth is. A big part of good oral hygiene is to ensure that bacteria are not present within the mouth at all.

Dentists in San Francisco say that a great tip for everyday oral hygiene care is to rinse with mouthwash at least once a day. This ensures that bacteria is killed and that the entire mouth will remain fresh and healthy.

Flossing isn’t just for the teeth

Another tip that is revealed by dentists in San Francisco, is that flossing isn’t just beneficial for the teeth. Some people believe that flossing is only helpful to the teeth but in actuality, flossing keeps the gums healthy too.

Often times, flossing gets neglected because people think that brushing can take the place of it. But, flossing is essential in everyday oral hygiene because it keeps the gums strong and healthy too.

Brush the tongue

Dentists in San Francisco have also revealed that brushing the tongue is an essential part of everyday oral hygiene. A toothbrush can be used each day to clean the tongue, as it holds a lot of bacteria that could contribute to bad breath or infections.

A lot of people don’t brush their teeth but it is actually important to do this regularly to ensure that the mouth doesn’t have any excess bacteria floating around.

Drink more water

Just like many other health professionals, dentists in San Francisco also recommend that a person drinks a lot of water as this will greatly contribute to one’s oral hygiene. While most people do drink a lot of water, more can never hurt!

A lot of people don’t believe that water has anything to do with one’s oral hygiene but that is actually far from the truth. Water helps to rinse the mouth of food particles while also allowing the mouth to remain salivated. Saliva contains minerals that are good for the mouth and when water is consumed, salivation increases, thus allowing for good oral hygiene.

Talk with a dentist in San Francisco

It is always a good idea to talk with a dentist in San Francisco about the best ways to maintain good oral hygiene. Being aware of the best tips for everyday care will surely help someone keep their teeth and gums in good shape.

If you have questions then reach out to our office today so that we can help you. Give us a call or stop by!

Request an appointment here: https://aestheticsmiles.com or call Aesthetic Dentistry of Noe Valley at (415) 493-9143 for an appointment in our San Francisco office.

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