The Benefits of Straightening Teeth With Clear Aligners in San Francisco

Clear AlignersWe provide clear aligners in San Francisco and use them to straighten the teeth of our adult patients. There is a variety of reasons to use orthodontics including closing gaps in between your teeth, straightening crooked ones, and aligning your bite. Straightening the teeth will dramatically improve your overall appearance and your oral health. We can eliminate the spaces that tend to trap food and bacteria. Simultaneously, an aligned bite eliminates any undue stress on certain teeth or your joints. If you are on the fence about straightening your teeth, consider these health benefits for why teeth straightening is a good idea.

Clear aligner benefits

Many of our adult patients have avoided orthodontics because of a distaste for wearing braces. Metal braces, while incredibly effective, create certain inconveniences that can get in the way of a busy life. For example, the inability to eat whatever the patients want without worrying about food getting stuck in teeth. Additionally, those that are worried about their appearance or need to maintain a certain level of professionalism do not appreciate how braces impact how they look. Fortunately, none of these concerns is a problem when one straightens his or her teeth using clear aligners.

When one wears clear aligners, the individual can remove the aligners to eat and to brush teeth. Patients only have to wear the aligners for 22 hours a day, which leaves plenty of time for meals. This means that patients will not need to worry about the potential embarrassment of food sticking between the teeth or being unable to eat a plate full of ribs. Patients can enjoy all of the favorite foods during treatment so long as they brush their teeth after eating.

Another benefit of wearing clear aligners is that you can take them out for a special occasion. If one is about to get married, the aligners can come out. If one is attending a High School reunion, take them out. Special date night, leave the aligners at home. We recommend that patients wear the aligners as much as possible. The mere fact that patients can take them off means that the patients are in control. You decide what is important enough to leave the aligners at home. Just remember that if you do this too frequently, your treatment time will be delayed accordingly.

Many of our patients find that they do not need to remove their aligners as often as they thought they would. Since they are virtually clear, it is difficult for people to notice that you are wearing them, making it possible to retain your appearance and confidence while they are still in your mouth.

To learn more about the benefits of this treatment and to find out if it is right for you – call us at (415) 493-9143 and schedule a consultation.

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