Invisalign: A Discreet Option for Teeth Straightening

Invisalign: A Discreet Option for Teeth Straightening from Aesthetic Dentistry of Noe Valley in San Francisco, CAResearch shows that Invisalign® is the most effective clear aligner brand on the market. Most patients choose these aligners over traditional braces. This dental straightening system can provide a comfortable and fast treatment. Knowing what the procedure is about can help prepare you for your upcoming Invisalign appointment.

What Invisalign is

This clear aligner system uses flexible, thermoplastic material. It makes dental straightening easier and more comfortable. The dentist will create these custom-fit clear aligners. Each one is designed to straighten teeth at a different level. Different trays will straighten different target teeth until the dental arch becomes smooth and even.

Invisalign is less visible than traditional braces. This makes them ideal for teens and adults. Smiling, eating, and even playing sports are easier with invisible aligners. The discretion and ease of using this dental straightening treatment also improve one’s self-esteem.

How it targets dental issues

Traditional braces target severe alignment problems. Invisalign deals with mild to moderate alignment issues. This system can correct crowded teeth, bite problems, and dental gaps. The patient must change the aligners every one or two weeks. Following the dentist’s instructions will keep the pressure consistent on the target teeth.

The dentist must take an image of the patient’s mouth first. Dental X-rays and 3-D scans can provide clear dimensions of the teeth and jaw. The images can help create a treatment plan for the Invisalign treatment. Every angle can help create custom-fit aligners. Each time the patient replaces the aligners, more pressure pushes the teeth into place. The gradual movement of the teeth can then result in a straightened smile.

What affects the efficiency of Invisalign

Wearing the clear aligners for about 20 to 22 hours each day is a must. The patient must only remove the aligners while eating, drinking, or performing oral care. Patients who play contact sports must remove the clear aligners during the game. But the aligners must go back on right after the match. Failing to keep the aligners on can prolong the patient’s treatment period.

Studies show that a person’s age and gender can affect tooth movement. The tooth movement of people between 35 and 50 years old tends to increase. Individuals who get Invisalign within this age range can get better results. Invisalign can still be efficient, whatever the patient’s age is, as long as the patient follows the dentist’s instructions.

How the clear aligners feel

Invisalign aligners are comfortable to wear. They are also easy to put on and remove. Placing the aligners on the teeth for the first time may cause some discomfort. This means that the aligners are starting to put pressure on the target teeth. After about a week or two, the discomfort will disappear. This will signal the right time to change the aligners.

The benefits

Many patients prefer Invisalign to traditional braces because these aligners are not obvious. Wearing them increases one’s level of self-esteem while going through teeth straightening. The custom-fit aligners result in a more targeted movement in the teeth. This provides a quicker outcome.

It is easier to clean teeth with Invisalign aligners. Removing the trays will allow the patient to floss and brush thoroughly. The patient will not need tiny interdental toothbrushes or extra tools for teeth cleaning. There will be no limitations to what the patient can eat either.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Invisalign in San Francisco, CA

Choosing Invisalign can help make your teeth straightening experience more pleasant

Metal braces and wires can cause many oral problems during teeth straightening. You may need to visit your dentist more than once a month because of these issues. With Invisalign, you will change the trays yourself. The dentist will merely clean your teeth and check the progress of your treatment. Working with your dentist can help you get the most out of your Invisalign treatment.

Request an appointment or call Aesthetic Dentistry of Noe Valley at 415-493-9143 for an appointment in our San Francisco office.

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