TMJ Dentist

Teeth Grinding FAQ’s

What are the most common symptoms of teeth grinding?

If you grind your teeth while sleeping, there is good chance you will experience headaches during the morning, afternoon or evening. Additional symptoms of teeth grinding include muscle aches along the mouth, stiffness in the shoulder/neck area, TMJ pain, sleeping problems and tinnitus ringing in the ear.

What are the long-term implications of teeth grinding?

Let your teeth grinding continue and it will affect your oral health. Teeth grinding causes jaw damage, premature and excessive teeth wear, chipped teeth, cracked teeth and worse.

How do I determine if I have teeth grinding or clenching issues?

The best way to determine if you grind your teeth is to visit with your dentist at least two times per year for a thorough evaluation. The dentist will be able to determine if you grind or clench your teeth. The dentist will also conduct an examination of your neck, head and jaw joints/muscles to determine if there are any issues. In certain instances, it is necessary to take an X-ray.

Why does teeth grinding occur?

Some patients are aware of the fact that they grind their teeth in response to stress, anger and other emotions or events. Even engaging in a physically taxing activity like lifting weights or playing football can cause teeth grinding. However, most people who grind their teeth do so unknowingly while sleeping. Some dentists and medical researchers have linked teeth grinding to the use of caffeine, alcohol, and/or tobacco. Some medical researchers have linked depression to teeth grinding.

Can I stop teeth grinding on my own?

Yes. You have the power to put an end to your teeth grinding. Meet with us to develop the proper strategy for reducing teeth grinding and it will not be long until you make meaningful progress. For example, improving your relaxation techniques can mitigate or completely thwart the grinding. Altering lifestyle habits can also help. Some find wearing a splint or mouth guard at night stops grinding from damaging the teeth and/or jaw.

Why should I have my teeth grinding addressed?

Teeth grinding is terrible for the health, look and quality of your teeth. Allowing your teeth to grind down will only make it difficult to chew food. Teeth grinding causes premature wear of teeth that damage your pearly whites as well as the jaw below.

How does reducing caffeine help prevent teeth grinding from worsening?

Reduce your caffeine intake in the afternoon and evening hours and you will find you enjoy better sleep. You will be that much less likely to grind your teeth while attempting to enjoy a restful night of sleep. Caffeine does hardly anything positive for the body after the morning hours. Caffeine dehydrates the body, promotes nervousness and makes it that much more challenging to sleep. Limit your caffeine intake the morning and early afternoon hours and it will be that much easier to avoid teeth grinding at night.

Request an appointment to discuss teeth grinding in our San Francisco dentist office here:

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