Keep Your Tooth Enamel With Dental Lumineers

Dental Lumineers are a popular choice for people who want to enhance their smile and cover up any unsightly dental issues, such as chipped teeth or discoloration. Veneers are typically considered the go-to option for such issues; however, they provide a significant amount of coverage that not every patient requires. For less severe dental problems and cosmetic concerns, dental Lumineers may be the best choice.

How are Lumineers different than veneers?

Traditional veneers are about 0.5 millimeters thick, whereas Lumineers have a thickness of about 0.3 millimeters. This might not seem like a significant difference, but when each type of veneer is applied to a patient’s smile, it becomes quite noticeable. Traditional veneers will make the teeth look significantly thicker, so dentists must file down the natural teeth before attaching the veneers. In contrast, the thinness of dental Lumineers allows patients to keep most of their natural tooth enamel.

Dental issues Lumineers can improve

Lumineers are ideal for smiles that require a few simple touch-ups or fixes. Common issues that can be improved with Lumineers include discoloration, chipped or worn teeth, gaps between teeth, and misshapen teeth. According to the Lumineers FAQ page, dental Lumineers may even be used in lieu of braces if a patient has a crooked smile. However, more severe issues, such as significantly discolored teeth, may be more suitable for traditional veneers.

What to expect during the dental procedure

The process of getting dental Lumineers usually requires just two dental visits. During the first appointment, the dentist will take impressions of the top and bottom rows of teeth to create a customized mold. The mold will then be sent to a lab in order to create the perfect match for a patient's individual needs and preferences. After a few weeks, the Lumineers will be ready to be placed on the teeth.

On the second visit, the dentist will carefully place the Lumineers over the teeth to make sure they fit perfectly. Each Lumineer is bonded to a single individual tooth to create a completely natural look and feel. The procedure of bonding the Lumineers to a smile is painless and requires no shots or dental drilling.

Determine if Lumineers are right for you

Patients who want to enhance their smile without having to sacrifice their natural tooth enamel can certainly benefit from the lightweight coverage that Lumineers can provide. Lumineers can be cared for just like natural teeth and do not require any special cleanings or limitations to your diet. The thin veneers can whiten your teeth and straighten your smile in a single visit to your dentist, giving you extra confidence for years to come.

Request an appointment here: or call Aesthetic Dentistry of Noe Valley at (415) 493-9143 for an appointment in our San Francisco office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

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